
The Power of "I Don't Know"

The Power of "I Don't Know"

Simon Sinek, author of Start With Why, is one of my favourite thought leaders. This quote of his spurred me to reflect on both the power and vulnerability of standing in the place of "I don't know". "When we say what we don't know, it increases the likelihood that someone who does know will offer to help."

Transformations -- Being a Working Parent

Transformations -- Being a Working Parent

I was asked to provide comments for an article related to separation anxiety that occurs when parents return to work and children enter some form of childcare. Here's where my reflections took me. Being an individual with a career is one thing but being a working parent trying to focus on balancing two important roles -- dedicated professional AND parent -- causes many people to be stretched.

The Convergence of Optimism and Trust

The Convergence of Optimism and Trust

For me to feel optimistic I must trust. Without trust my optimism waivers. That is what I find myself pondering after this year's (2013) State of the City Address by our Mayor of London, Ontario (Joe Fontana). Having attended these events regularly I'm noticing a different feeling leaving the event this year. I'm feeling subdued and reflective. I noticed that the audience also seemed subdued as well.