I Am

It is August. It is my sabbatical month. This year I am using the time to complete my practicum to become a Certified Nature and Forest Therapy Guide.

I love being in nature. I wander in the forest to fill my creative cup and cultivate new perspectives. I retreat to nature when stressed and overwhelmed. I enjoy sit spots wherever I am to ground myself and focus my energy. Nature has always been an ally– a gentle, persistent and nurturing partner to me as a Mom, Leader, Coach and citizen of the world. I was held by nature during times of deep grief. And, some of my most joyous moments in life were also held in the bountiful arms of Mother Nature. She is my constant companion in this journey of life.

As part of my practicum training, I am spending time in nature to learn the Way of the Guide. I am deepening my relationship with all the other than human beings that live in this vast ecosystem of the natural world – trees, rocks, plants, mountains, rivers, sky, clouds, birds, animals and more. I am learning new ways of being in relationship with nature and all its forces. I am cultivating my senses and finding new ways to experience nature. As I do so, my experience of my own being-ness is evolving – like a flower slowly opening and claiming its full, vibrant beauty.

The following emerged from reflections as I have connected with the various beings in nature. They all offer wisdom and an invitation. Next time you wander in the forest, notice what catches your attention. It may be offering you an invitation.


 I am the winding path -
            I invite you to find your way.

I am the swaying grass -
            I invite you to bend and not break.

I am the dry, loose earth -
          I invite you to move with the wind.

I am cow poop -
            I invite you to release what you no longer need.

I am a mooing cow -
          I invite you to use your voice.

I am the horizon -
            I invite you to expand your perspective; to see beyond what you know.
I am the trickling stream -
            I invite you to playfully explore.

I am a rock -
          I invite you to tell me your story as I am strong and can take anything you need to share.

I am clouds -
         I invite you to imagine possibilities.

I am a soaring bird -
          I invite you to spread your wings and dance with the wind.

I am the swing on a tree -
          I invite you to play with delight.

I am snowflake -
            I invite you to remember your uniqueness.

I am the gentle wind -
         I invite you to hear my whispers to your soul.

I am the sun -
           I invite you to radiate your spirit through your heart for all the world to see.

I am sunset -
           I invite wonder that is available in this moment.

I am the full moon -
            I invite you to experience the natural rhythms of life with wonder and joy.

I am Mother Tree -
            I invite you to remember the deep roots of your resilience and purpose.

I am nature -
           I invite you to join with the magical network of all beings who co-create together.

I am -
I invite myself to honour all that I have been, all that I am in this moment, and all that I am becoming.